The Beast’s Library
I feel like the Beast’s Library is a hidden gem! Especially on a super hot day out! Here you can hang out by the “fire” and walk around dreaming about books to read! You can also find out which Disney character you are most like!
The picture about of the Beast before he turned into the Beast will change. Make sure to watch it to see what happens. The magical rose will also lose petals.
You can find The Beast’s Library inside the Sorcerers Workshop (Animation Building) in Hollywood Land at California Adventure. It is a little tricky to find if you have never been before, but thats the beauty of it! It’s a hidden gem!
Which Character Are You?
My favorite part of this ride is that you can find out which character you are most like! Lumiere and Cogsworth will take your picture and walk you through a series of questions until it reveals who you are like!
The last time I did this I was cracking up because it said I was most like Ursula. I think its because on the question, “Would you rather sit with nice people for lunch or eat nice people for lunch?” I picked eat nice people for lunch 🙂
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