Guardians of the Galaxy Mission: Breakout
Coming from someone who loved the Tower of Terror, it’s hard to not see this ride from that perspective but Disney did a stellar job with the changes! Starting with the queue, every plant is labeled with cool alien language as part of the collector’s collection. Outside on the walls of the building you can spy Rocket Raccoon’s paw prints messing with a hole in the wall with electronics.
Guests are greeted with a statute of the collector and are able to see some of the universe’s relics on display once you enter the building. I especially enjoyed the subtle references and artifacts from other Marvel films. Supposedly within one of the frosted boxes hanging from the celling is Figment from Epcot’s Journey into Imagination but I wasn’t able to spot it. Within the Collector’s main room, Rocket mutes the video and explains how he’s going to need our help to rescue his friends and steal the power cell. Lastly, he takes Star Lord’s walkman on his way out.
One guest board the ride, it scoots back from the doors and Rocket plugs in the walkman with a killer music track (the song varies each time!). And honestly, the music made the ride so much fun! being drawn into such a fun sound track turned this ride into something else. Right off the bat, the ride is launched up and then falls, tons of times! In between falls and such, the scenes and levels change showing all the mayhem Rocket has created.
All in all, this ride rocks and even though I’ll miss the Tower of Terror, this ride is awesome!